System Architecture with N-Tire Model

When you make home firstly you will make an architecture that where should be your loan, kitchen, room and what should be their sizes
Similarly, system development also need architecture

 Firstly we will develop remain main system needs under observation

ð  Functionality      (What functionality will have)
ð  Stability                (How Stable it will be)
ð  Adaptability under workload      (How to behave Under pressure or workload)
ð  Highest level performance availability reliability (Its performance reliability and future availability)
ð  Cost-effective    (Cost should be minimum)
ð  Minimum Time

Three important content in system development
1.       Graphical User Interface
2.       Business Logic
3.       Database

Graphical User Interface
Provide the platform for interaction of the user with the system
Business Logic:
Rules governing the business. These can change frequently depending upon the business
Contain data relevant to the business

One-tier architecture

ð  Easy and quick to develop
ð  Useful for small offices
ð  Difficult to upgrade
ð  Not scalable
ð  Not protect business logical layer
Two-tire architecture

ð  Protect business logic from UI
ð  Database Security Increase
ð  Business logic implemented on PC
ð  Increase network traffic
ð  Must design/implement the protocol for communication between client-server
ð  Application Logic cannot be reused

Three-tier architecture

ð  Clear separation of UI control and presentation from application logic
ð  Database Security Increase
ð  Easy to Upgrade
ð  Increase network traffic
ð  Must design/implement the protocol for communication between client-server 

         3-tire is the most common architecture used for system development in which all layer perform its specific task
      Application Layer(Presentation Layer) Interact with User to show Presentation logic
      Business Logic layer work as a controller between the presentation layer to the data access layer
      While  all works regarding data queries, data fetch and retrieving from a database happening in Data Access Layer
